Isaiah 40:31 - Rich Mullins on Waiting, Justice and Faith

Possibly my all time favorite Christian CD / album is RICH MULLINS, "The World as Best as I Remember It, Volume Two," recorded in 1992. I recommend it to anyone. If you have not discovered Rich Mullins, he stands at the top when it comes to spiritually powerful and poetic Christian lyrics. Unfortunately, he died in 1997 in a car accident.

Lyrics to the two songs below connect strongly with our studies in Isaiah, the first on WAITING and the second on FAITH with a strong statement on JUSTICE. The lyrics express truth in poetic form, and the message is much more powerful if you can listen to the songs as performed by Rich. It would be well worth the price of download.

WAITING (with reference to Isaiah 40:31)

Stand on the corner, I watch my breath freeze in the air
See how it lifts and then vanishes
But I know You're still there
Well, I've got nowhere else to go
'Cause the only life that I know comes from You

And I can't walk away
Though the truth is that it can be so hard to wait
When a million voices whisper, and they tell me I should leave
Into the shadows that the moon casts
On these alleys and these streets
But I know that chasing shadows won't get me anywhere
'Cause I've been there

So I stand on the promise, 'cause I know that the promise is sure
That it comes from beyond us and tells us again
That there's a whole 'nother world
Well, the one I'm in keeps spinning 'round
But I want to stay right here 'cause I found You

And I can't walk away
Though the truth is that it can be so hard to wait
When a million voices whisper, and they tell me I should leave
Into the shadows that the moon casts
On these alleys and these streets
But I know that chasing shadows won't get me anywhere
'Cause I've been there

So I'm waiting for You Jesus
'Cause I know that those who wait
They will mount with wings like eagles
They will run and not grow faint
They will walk and not grow weary
Their strength will be renewed
Coming from You

So I wait
I'm waiting for You
Waiting for You
So come back soon
I'm waiting for You


I know the just shall live
I know the just shall live
I know the just shall live
By faith

'Cause You won't let Your Holy One
No, You won't let Your Holy One
You won't let Your Holy One
See corruption in the grave

Because He put His trust in You
Because He put His trust in You
Because He put His trust in You
Many shall be saved

And I know that You will raise them up
I know that You will raise them up
I know that You will raise them up
On the last day

For the Lord looks down on the sons of men
To hear the cries of the innocent
And the guilty will not stand
For the day of reckoning soon will come
And the whole world will see justice done
By the Lord's almighty hand

And the prayers stand where the fighters fell
And time testifies with the tale that it tells
That the meek shall inherit the earth
And the Church advances on the gates of hell
And she clings to a light that will not be quelled
By the kingdoms of this world

I'm telling you the just shall live
I know the just shall live
I know the just shall live
By faith

And You will raise them up
I know that You will raise them up
You will raise them up
On the last day