Righteousness, Justice, Lovingkindness, Truth

To be righteous, to be justified, to be just (tsadaq) 40 times
Gen 38:26, Job 4:17, 9:15, 13:18, Ps 82:3
Righteousness or justice. (tsedaqah or tsedeq) 276 times.
Genesis 15:6, Lev 19:15, Is 51:1,5
Just, righteous (tsaddiq), 206 times. Genesis 20:4

Judgement, rights, hearing a case and rendering a proper verdict. (mishpat). 420 times.
Gen 18:19, Exodus 21:31, 23:6, Deut 16:18,17:9, Job 8:3, Ps 33:5, 89:14 Is 30:18

Faithfulness, truth, certainty. (Emunah) 49 times, mostly in Psalms
Deut 32:4, Ps 33:4, 119:86
True (emeth) Adjective of enumah. Psalm 89:14

To have compassion, be merciful (racham). 125 times (all forms) Ps 18:1, Ex 33:19, Ps 25:6
Mercy, bowels, compassion (rechem, rachamim) Gen 43:14, 30, Ex 34:6, 2 Sam 24:14

Mercy, love, lovingkindness, steadfast love (chesed)..
KJV usually uses "mercy" or "mercies"
NAS usually uses "lovingkindness"
NIV usually uses "love"
RSV usually uses "steadfast love"
"Grace," "favor," "kindnesses" and faithfulnesses" are also found.
The word indicates love, combined with loyalty and mercy. It combines obligation with generosity. In many important cases, it applies to the relationship between God and his people in the context of covenant.

These key concepts hold deep and meaning in the Old Testament. Further, they are not simple and are often translated in different ways in different translations according to context. A demonstration of the typical ways that some of the above words is translated in three major translations is shown below in three verses which exhibit several of the words together.

Psalm 89:14 KJV Justice (tsedeq) and judgment (mishpat) are the habitation of thy throne: mercy (chesed) and truth (emeth) shall go before thee.
Psalm 89:14 NAS Righteousness (tsedeq) and justice (mishpat) are the foundation of Thy throne; Lovingkindness (chesed) and truth (emeth) go before Thee.
Psalm 89:14 NIV Righteousness (tsedeq) and justice (mishpat) are the foundation of your throne; love (chesed) and faithfulness (emeth) go before you.

Isaiah 16:5 KJV And in mercy (chesed) shall the throne be established: and he shall sit upon it in truth (emeth) in the tabernacle of David, judging, and seeking judgment (mishpat), and hasting righteousness (tsedeq).
Isaiah 16:5 NAS A throne will even be established in lovingkindness (chesed), and a judge will sit on it in faithfulness (emeth) in the tent of David; moreover, he will seek justice (mishpat) and be prompt in righteousness (tsedeq).
Isaiah 16:5 NIV In love (chesed) a throne will be established; in faithfulness (emeth) a man will sit on it
- one from the house of David - one who in judging seeks justice (mishpat) and speeds the cause of righteousness (tsedeq).

Hosea 2:19b-20a KJV I will betroth thee unto me in righteousness (tsedeqah), and in judgment (mishpat), and in lovingkindness (chesed), and in mercies (racham). I will even betroth thee unto me in faithfulness (emunah) ...
Hosea 2:19b-20a NAS I will betroth you to Me in righteousness (tsedeqah) and in justice (mishpat), in lovingkindness (chesed) and in compassion (racham), and I will betroth you to me in faithfulness
Hosea 2:19b-20a NIV I will betroth you in righteousness (tsedeqah) and justice (mishpat), in love
(chesed) and compassion (racham). I will betroth you in faithfulness (emunah) ...