Reflections on Worship, 3: Why Sing Warfare?

To be clear, there is nothing in the New Testament that advocates taking up arms in defense of the cause of Christ. So this is not about that. From the Old Testament until the present day, believers have found solace in praying and singing to God using the language of warfare. What is the meaning?

There are many words that we use to talk about ..
... our struggles, our challenges, our "enemies," our "demons." Chief among these would be fear, and include also self doubt, discouragement, depression, regret, shame, insecurity, of course sin and disobedience, and more person centered enemies such as criticism, rejection, opposition, oppression, even slander, insult, abuse. 
I would say that prayer, worship, and praise is always the need of the hour, not the least for the purpose of combating our personal demons that would keep us in a state of questioning, of regret, of living in our failures rather than our dreams, that would keep us in other people's vision of our life rather than God's vision, in the status quo rather than a better, more hopeful future for ourselves, for those whom we love, for our communities.

I am an advocate and believer in the best medical care, mental health care, and counseling that we can find. I have used these services according to my needs. Leaning into prayer, the work of God, and a supportive faith community in our health and well being is entirely consistent with also seeking the best medical care that we can determine to be appropriate for our needs. And in a supportive community, we also support others in an integrative approach to physical, mental, and emotional health and well being. The biblical concept is shalom.

I'm not here attempting a theology of worship, but Scripture, OT and NT, exhorts the faithful to speak and sing praise and thanks, and to reflect on the nature of God, the goodness and works of God. This is a form of truth speaking that edifies the corporate gathering as well as the individual. It helps refocus the participants in the direction of the light and helps cleanse our soul (our self) - spirit, mind, emotions.

In the attached video, UPPERROOM worship leader  Elyssa Smith shares an exquisite demonstration of approaching God in worship on behalf of herself and an auditorium of worshippers. "Calling on Your Name is how I fight!" If you watch the video, you can observe that she is not performing, she is not singing to the people, but directly to God. She is, in fact engaging in spiritual warfare through praise and thanksgiving.

This video portrays a sublime encounter with God, in which the worship leader is in state of peace, and the worshippers are experiencing worship, joy, deliverance, whatever their need may be. The purpose of a worship experience is to encounter God, and what God brings to the encounter is exactly what we need: healing, release, conviction, inspiration, confidence. The Holy Spirit knows.

I encourage you to seek and participate in a worship environment that facilitates your encounter with God.

Surrounded (Fight My Battles) - UPPERROOM

Behind the Song: SURROUNDED

I have collected my favorite live worship selections in a You Tube playlist called Live Worship Selections. I update it every week. To me is is well worth the $11.99 subscription to be able to listen to live worship, uninterrupted by advertisement, at any time.

Live Worship Selections

UPPERROOM (Dallas, Texas) describes on their website .. "We are a community committed to ministering to the heart of God through prayer and worship because we believe that the Presence of God transforms lives..."