Social Media

I recognize that social media is primarily for fun, that most of us who use it browse the posts for entertainment, to catch up or keep up with some of our friends and acquaintances, and maybe get a bit of news and commentary.  I also recognize that a great deal of false and misleading information is shared, and a lot of this is created for the specific purpose of creating conflict and disrupting reasonable political discourse. So we have to read selectively and critically.

Despite the limitations and negativity, social media is a convenient and free venue to share our ideas on serious topics. When we encounter and respond to serious material, perhaps we can keep in mind that the issues of life that we debate, discuss and argue over can be sensitive and of extreme significance to some participants in the conversation. Further, we can learn from each other, and we can advocate for the common good in a public space.

These are difficult times for many, with the virus affecting life across the globe. In the midst of it, we lean into our faith and into each other and support our communities. And life continues, with our various entertainment adventures, our football draft, and our conversations about life and relationships and politics outside of the virus.

In all of that, may we please conduct ourselves in love and respect. With all that is going on and with no particular sense of timing other than, the time is now, I am about to post a lot of material on a very sensitive topic. Please be aware that I share these ideas after a great deal of research, time, and thought, and with the intentions of Christian love.

Six of seven articles will be available on my blog immediately. In successive days I will post fb links to one or two each day. Please feel free to comment and share, in a respectful and constructive manner.