Reflections on Worship, 7: Mother's Talk - Blessing and Favor

Mother's Day 
I enjoy a steady musical diet of live worship recordings as a source of inspiration in my spiritual life. Every now and then I hear a song that captivates me immediately - Centro Vida Church's (Stockton,  CA) presentation of The Blessing is such a time. The first time I saw this I wept... and the next time. It felt prophetic ...


This worship song, based on Scripture, was written by Steven Furtick, Chris Brown, Kari Jobe and Cody Carnes and premiered recently in 2020 in a meeting of Elevation Worship in Charlotte, NC  (see link below). The passion of the worship leaders is fitting to the message of the song, and further the song is a fitting reflection for Mother's Day. "May his favor be upon you And a thousand generations And your family And their children And their children ...

The primary scriptural basis for the song is Numbers 6:24-26, Exodus 20:6 and Deuteronomy 7:9, with other relevant Old and New Testament Scripture. (1) YHWH instructed Moses to tell the people ...
The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace.

I urge you to give a listen to this moving song. You don't have to be fluent in Spanish to feel the power of this expression of prayer and worship. I have attached lyrics in English and Spanish below, as well as a couple of YouTube versions, some with lyrics. But I feel that the topic of blessing and the passionate appeals expressed in the song deserve further exploration.

The appeal to God for blessing upon myself and my family is easily misunderstood, both by those who speak it and those who may reject the idea in skepticism. What does it mean to ask for God's favor?
The Blessing, Elevation Worship with Kari Jobe and Cody Carnes
First, what it is not. The prayer for God's blessing and favor cannot be a prayer for God's favoritism, because Scripture is clear that God does not show favoritism. The prayer for God's blessing is not, for example, a prayer for competitive advantage for a person, for a team, even for a country, as if God intends to tilt the field of play to the advantage the team with the most people praying.

Blog Post April 2, "Peter, Paul and James Agree: God Does Not Show Favoritism"

No doubt there is a wide range of theological perspectives and church teaching on the topic of blessing and favor, and I will not here try to examine them.  I urge that we agree, however, that God doesn't love a select few, or have good plans for only some people, or only a certain country, or place, or time. The affirmation of Scripture and the teaching of the church is that God loves and intends good for all people. Speaking practically, as an individual believer, prayer is an affirmation of relationship with God, affirmation that God offers love and grace and purpose, and an invitation to life and well-being and peace, and an opportunity to participate in God's work of love and goodness, redemption and justice in the world.
A prayer for favor is a celebration of God's love and goodness, an affirmation of relationship with God, and a commitment to God's good purposes in my life, my family, my community, anywhere and everywhere.
Not only prayer for God's blessing, but all prayer is conditioned on the ground of God's good purposes for God's created people, individually, in families, communities, every nation, every people. The belief in and appeal for the aid of God is based on this assumption that we enjoy the privilege of participating with God in God's work in the world of people.
Our prayers are as much about trying to line up our heart, mind, and emotions with God and what we can understand to be God's work in our lives as it is an appeal for God's providential intervention. We embrace the fact that this is a mystery.
Skeptics may ask, why doesn't God simply do whatever God wants irrespective of the people and their prayers?  Wow. This perspective entirely misses the main point of God and people in that the whole purpose of it all is wrapped around the relationship of love between God and people as well as among individual people and the connections of families, of friendships, of fellowships of faith, of communities.
And yes, every trial and tribulation, every dream, aspiration and goal, every challenge and every success, every illness and every tragedy, enters into our journey of becoming, of learning and growing, of loving and helping, of working and serving, and of worshiping our God.

The beauty of this worship song is the joyous celebration of God's presence in space and time, the passionate confession of the need for and love of God's participation in our lives, in front and behind, beside and around, in the morning and evening, in the good and the bad, the grief and the joy, and above all, resting in the peace that God is for his created people and ready to come to those who call on him.

Don't miss the spontaneous worship in the final third of the presentation. And rest in the knowledge that...
God is for you, he is for you, he is for you...El te ama, El te ama, El te ama.
God is with you, he is with you, he is with you... Va contigo, Va contigo, Va contigo.

Verso 1
Dios te guarde Y bendiga
   The Lord bless you  And keep you
Que extendia Su amor
   Make his face shine upon you
Y te muestre favor
   And give you favor
Dios te mire con agrado
   The Lord turn His face toward you
Y te de paz
   And give you peace


Puente 1 (Bridge)
Que te cubra con Su gracia
   May His favor be upon you
Hasta mil generaciones
   And a thousand generations
Tu familia Y tus hijos
   And your family and your children
Y los hijos de tus hijos
   And their children and their children

Puente 2
Su presencia te acompane
   May his presence go before you
Dondequiera que tu vayas
   And behind you and beside you
Que te llene Te rodee
   All around you and within you
Va contigo Va contigo
   He is with you, He is with you

Puente 3
De manana, y de noche
   In the morning, in the evening
En tu entrada y salida
   In your coming and your going
En tu llanto Y alegria
   In your weeping and rejoicing
El te ama, El te ama
   He is for you, He is for you

The Blessing
Steven Firtick, Chris Brown, Kari Jobe, Cody Carnes.
Translation: Edgar Aguilar, Job Gonzalez, Jariel Navarro, David Espindola, Daniela Espindola, Crystal Osorio, Abraham Osorio, Evan Craft.

Link to original premier presentation by Elevation Worship:
The Blessing with Kari Jobe & Cody Carnes | Live From Elevation Ballantyne | Elevation Worship

Additional link:
The Blessing letra original en Español e Inglés - Elevation Worship with Kari Jobe & Cody Carnes.
