Rev. James Lawson Eulogy of John R. Lewis - July 30, 2020

I cannot today post a new blog article when so much exceptional rehearsal of American history was shared at the Atlanta funeral of John R. Lewis today. I urge you, I beg of you, give some of your time to Rev. James Lawson and the other eulogists at today's ceremony, all excellent and historically informative in their reflections. Don't look for the highlights, but listen word-for-word. Rev. Lawson, over 90 years old, is unequaled as a pioneer of the NONVIOLENT MOVEMENT as he mentored Lewis, C.T. Vivian, Diane Nash and many others in Nashville in 1958-59. Lawson spoke ..."John Lewis, in that other eternity, will be heard by us again and again running through the galaxies still proclaiming ...that we the people of the U.S.A. can one day live up to the full meaning of 'We hold these truths' ... to live up to the full meaning 'We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union.' Lewis practiced the politics that we the people of the U.S.A. need more desperately than ever before ... the politics of the Declaration of Independence, the politics of the Preamble to the Constitution.... The Sit-In campaign of 1960 became the second major movement of the Nonviolent Movement of America ...John Lewis must be understood (not only because of the Selma bridge but) as on one of the leaders of the greatest advance of Congress and the White House on behalf of 'We the people of the U.S.A.' ... to celebrate the live of John Lewis we need the Constitution to come alive ... 'We hold these truths to be self evident' ..." Please listen to the end - it will likely be more valuable than any 20 minutes you could spend on anything else.