Choosing a Path - 2024 Presidential Campaign Issues

2024 Pre-election - Collection of Social Media Posts April to November

Video Narrative 20 - May 3, 2024 (TicToc, Instagram, FB)

Christian Nationalism is driving many people from the church on moral grounds. This is a complex and sensitive topic. However, the moral dissonance between the protectionist stance of Christian nationalism and the open-handed other-directed ethic of Jesus causes a problem for many Christians. By PROTECTIONIST, I mean the ethical priority of the interests and the property of deserving United States citizens against all outsiders, foreigners, and any government meddling. Now this is a fine principle of economic self-interest, nationalism, and patriotism, but not really a demonstration a of Jesus centered ethic. Young people learn that we live in a global society with global issues, and that the United States does not have a record of moral purity on the international stage. Patriotism has its place, however, a morality informed by the ethic of Jesus serves as a strong check and balance to our national pride and self-interest. … From Chapter 29 of Deconstructing Christians and the Third Wave.

Video 44 – July 31 ... A Public Display of Racism...

A public display of racism is excusable as long as it’s in service of being anti-woke. That was the message of the Republican National Convention in offering a video of a racist act by a white protester in Mississippi as a positive demonstration of anti-woke political activism.

The actual incident of a young white man making monkey gestures toward a Black woman during protest and counter protest – we could see this is immature, misguided, certainly as a racist expression by an overzealous protester. But for the RNC to use this this video clip as an exemplary expression of “anti-woke” behavior demonstrates how deeply the Trump mentality has shifted and in fact impaired the moral compass of the party that has embraced him.

Some may say… well that’s just an unfortunate example of an extreme element which  doesn’t really represent my ideals. To that I say, maybe you need to wake up, because the extreme interests seem to be in charge of the party.

46 – August 5 ... Trump Paradigm Shift ...

Trump supporters please help me understand how you are drawn to his message. This is a serious question... I’m trying to have dialogue across the table. When you hear Trump speak, I know it’s not that you believe what he says… It is well known that Trump expresses an alternate universe without respect to facts and data, that he keeps repeating that narrative until people believe it, and if someone presents counterfactual data, he just says “fake news, fake news.”

This is a huge problem and in fact represents an ethical paradigm shift in that Trump is leading the way for ordinary people, church leaders, legislators, governors, and even heads of state in other countries to merely state, spin, and perpetuate whatever ideology they want to be true, without regard for what is actually true.

Consider the precedent we are setting and the risk that we are taking if we continue to reward this ethic of miscommunication by putting this man in power once again.

47a – August 7 ... Migrant Invasion ...

The language of a “migrant invasion” implies that immigrants come with violent, anti-American intentions.

Trump’s rhetoric that immigrants are “poisoning the blood of our country” is racist rhetoric that harkens to white supremacist ideals of racial purity and the fear of “white blood” being contaminated.

The language of a “migrant crime epidemic implies” that crime is increasing because of immigration and that immigrants are more prone to criminal behavior than non-immigrants.

None of this is factually true … If you say to yourself … “well yes … I believe all of that, Trump is right on all of that,” I urge you … check your heart, check your circle of friends, check the ideological agenda of your daily news source.

Stirring up fear about the dangers of immigrants and people of color has always been a favorite tactic of populist fear mongering. We can’t fall for this crap when we know it is morally wrong and is not supported by the data.

Continued in Part 2

47b – August 9 ... Immigration and Crime ...

Continuing our discussion of immigration and crime …Donald Trump is demonstrably the worse source of information if your goal is to learn anything accurate and factual about our country and our world and I do not know how people sort through all the crap.

In part one we looked at three of Trump’s favorite anti-immigrant myths … 1. The myth of a crime epidemic, the myth of increasing violent crime, and the myth of high criminality of non-citizens.

Please do your own fact-checking research. Immigrant status and the presence of immigrants in our communities is not an indicator higher criminality but actually of lower criminality than the citizen crime rate. 2nd point … Data does not support the notion of a crime epidemic in border areas or in large cities affected by recent immigration. 3rd … In general, rates of violent crime and property crime in the United States have been trending down since the 1990s.

48 – October 16 ... Is it Worth the Risk? ...

Trump gave conservatives and evangelicals a super-majority on the Supreme Court, and that court overturned Roe v. Wade. They are gutting the power of the EPA to serve as a watchdog against corporate damage to the environment, and they are removing the guardrails to an authoritarian executive branch.  Now many are expecting Trump to continue to empower Christian Nationalist elements to implement conservative evangelical ideals into law, subverting the constitution and the Bill of Rights, all under the banner of promoting a “Christian Nation.”  While you may or may not personally approve of that extreme level of power, as many Christian nationalists clearly do, is it worth the risk? Trump has stated that he has no problem suspending or bypassing the constitution.  This is a truly dangerous situation. History tells us that autocratic populists who do not want any checks on their personal power can create a tremendous amount of damage to their country, and to the world.

49 – October 18 ... Trump Absolutely Fails on NT Moral Criteria ...

Evangelicals please wake up to the dangerous prospect of another Donald Trump presidency. From a faith perspective, I did a deep dive into New Testament moral teachings, specifically moral prohibitions. I broke down over 700 New Testament passages on moral prohibitions into categories and I have identified the top five moral issues by frequency of reference. How do you think Donald Trump comes out on these five moral measures? The top five came out as truthfulness, sexual morality, abusive speech, greed and dishonest gain, and arrogance and pride. Donald Trump absolutely fails on all five of these and it's not even close. On the leading moral issue of truthfulness, Trump has actually set an unprecedented low bar in national AND international political leadership by demonstrating the practice of saying anything and everything that he wants to be true and serves his agenda, with no serious regard for actual facts.

Please, don't go into the voting booth and give this dangerous man your support. Find another leader who is qualified to represent the values that we hold dear.

50 – October 22 ... How do you explain to your children? ...

When it comes to Donald Trump would one explain this to your children when they ask about the qualifications of a good leader or a president? I can only assume that the conversation goes something like “Well he’s not a moral person or an example of a good leader, but he promises to fight the evil empire that is destroying the country.”

“Evil empire? What is that?”

“Well, he is fighting against Communism and Marxism, CRT and climate scientists, electric cars and an invading hoard of immigrants that is trying to steal our jobs, our property, and our American way of life.”

“An invading hoard?...”

 Setting aside the whole topic of fighting the forces of evil, what kind of moral and mental gymnastics is required to believe, knowing who Trump is and how he operates, that by any stretch of imagination he could be suitable to the task of presidential leadership?

51 – October 24 ... Fear Mongering ... These things are not happening ...

People, listen. We have entered an era in which we are all aware that our sources of information are ideologically tilted, and the reality is that ideological media outlets are happy to play into the various fear monger narratives about the destruction of society by Communism & Marxism, critical race theory, climate science, the persecution of Christianity, and white replacement.  Let’s get real. As you go to work and church and school and live your life, without paying heed to Tucker Carlson, do you really feel any actual practical threat to your freedoms? The government is not going to take your guns, your trucks, or your gas-powered vehicles, they are not going to implement a communist government, they are not going to restrict your practice of religion. … It’s not happening, it’s not going to happen in this country.  I’m a Christian … and I know very well that my faith is not being persecuted nor my practice of religion restricted in this country … I go to church, I worship, I pray, I practice my faith, and I don’t try to enforce it on others by rule of law or through the use of public institutions. This is freedom of religion in a non-sectarian democracy.

52a Part 1 – October 28 ... Future observers of history will be incredulous ...

Future observers of history will be incredulous that Donald Trump is seriously considered as a presidential candidate after what happened with the 2020 election as well as his demeanor, character, and behavior in general. He will be rightfully convicted of committing serious crimes associated with his 2020 election interference, and the incredible part is that he has not already been convicted in the court of public opinion on multiple counts of being a terrible and unfit leader.

How is this possible? There is a certain segment of the populace that will always be drawn to a Trump style populism. But what pushes him to the brink of being elected is a willful blindness on the part of many who have been enculturated, groomed, and brainwashed to believe that it matters not how bad Trump is; it matters only that he defeat an evil enemy that is destroying the country. This the political myth of evangelicalism that is so hard to break down because it has been woven into every aspect of the religious, cultural, and political education of so many evangelical Christians who cannot bring themselves into the realm of rationality to consider any alternative. Trump is not a fit candidate to lead the conservative cause or any cause.

More in part 2.

52b Part 2 – October 29 ...Many have been enculturated to believe ...

In the previous post I posed the question: How is it possible that thinking people still consider Donald Trump to be a fit presidential candidate? The answer for many is that they have been enculturated and educated to believe that conservative political leaders are fighting a battle against evil democrats that are out to destroy the country and that there are a few key issues that are significant enough to engender support for any republican, no matter their character or behavior, as long as they claim to support the cause. Because of this belief, evangelicals are seemingly willing to wear blinders that distort rational and critical thinking when it comes to Trump, and this failure of judgement will not stand the test of historical reflection when this Trump era is past. 

As you go into the election booth, please … exercise your critical thinking and moral judgement. You don’t have to fly a Harris yard sign or put a sticker on your car. Simply do the right thing and help put this era of Trump’s control over the conservative movement to an end. He’s not stable, he’s unpredictable, and he’s a bad example of moral leadership. Let him fade into the history books.

53 – October 29 ... Xenophobia in Trump's Platform ...

Xenophobia is actually the leading plank of Trump’s presidential platform, as demonstrated by the first three statements of the RNC platform: Seal the border, mass deportation, and “stop the migrant invasion.” This strategy requires the promulgation of a collection of false and / or exaggerated narratives that play on populist and racist notions about people from other countries. In his desperation, Trump has been more than happy to repeat false stories about Haitian immigrants in Ohio eating pets and he and Vance have caused a lot of unnecessary havoc and hate in this American city. On a daily basis he repeats exaggerations about immigrant crime when the incidence of crime is actually lower among immigrants than among the citizen population.  When Trump used his influence to block the 2024 border security bill in Congress, this demonstrated to everyone that he was less interested in a hard-fought bipartisan legislation to address the problem and more interested in using the border issue as his leading campaign strategy. His willingness to repeat and promote false information about Haitians and other immigrants demonstrates that he has no moral filter when it comes to respecting others, when it comes to spreading damaging lies, and when it comes to creating havoc for a city and for its immigrant residents.

54 – October 30 ... Georgia rejected Trump in 2020 ...

Georgia voters I’m talking to you … In the 2020 election we sent a message that did not want a second term for the Trump presidency. After losing the election, he proceeded to commit felony criminal acts to interfere with the Georgia election result and later he gave support to a criminal insurrection on the capitol and an attack on the United States Congress while in a working session to certify the election. For Trump, the insurrectionists who violently attacked the capitol are still heroes because he continues to live in a false reality of his own making in which he is the center of the universe. Even though it has been four long years, he will be convicted of his crimes and justice will prevail. In the interim, we have another opportunity in November to reject Trump, his egocentric leadership, and his immoral rhetoric of hate and negativity. Please don’t discard all of your critical thinking skills by believing the rhetoric that Trump is some kind of hero… He’s a desperate man trying to win at all costs, and we should not reward his immoral and dishonest methods by even one ounce of support.